Americans with Disabilities Act ADA
Conceled Gun License Guide
FOIA - Procedures
General Law Village Act 3 of 1895
Master Plan - Hesperia
Model Ethics Ordinance For Local Units Of Government
Open Meetings Act
Rules of Procedure for General Law Village Councils
Title VI Plan Village of Hesperia
Village Public Bid Procedures
Americans with Disabilities Act ADA
Conceled Gun License Guide
FOIA - Procedures
General Law Village Act 3 of 1895
Master Plan - Hesperia
Model Ethics Ordinance For Local Units Of Government
Open Meetings Act
Rules of Procedure for General Law Village Councils
Title VI Plan Village of Hesperia
Village Public Bid Procedures
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Quick Phone Numbers
Village Office: (231) 854-6205
Police: (231) 854-1212
Emergency: 911
DPW: (231) 854-1821
Fire Department: (231) 854-9539
Emergency: 911